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The wide range of expertise provided by the partners, and professional staff with the support of experienced associates and technical experts enables us to offer the best possible solutions and specialized opinion to our clients. Our clients include companies, public sector undertakings, organizations both in private and public sector engaged in Industry and also charitable Institutions, non-government organizations, and individuals who need high quality professional services.

The Firm has been handling diverse assignments at highest level on various subjects like Income Tax, Tax Planning, Company Law, apart from doing Statutory, tax, internal, Management Audit and business evaluation of a Number of entities including Corporate Giants. The Firm Presently has clients having turnover, ranging from Rs. 0.5 crore to Rs. 5000 crores & above.

Experience in Due-diligence, representation before Company Law Board (CLB), ITAT, and other firms.

The firm has experience in carrying out due diligence of entities for which purpose a comprehensive check list encompassing the requirements of various laws for acquisition of entities has been designed by the firm. The firm has experience of carrying out Due diligence of entities primarily on behalf of overseas investors. The firm handles the complex matters of litigation including Search & Seizure cases before ITAT including referral work of other Chartered Accountants Firms. The firm is also registered with the Income Tax department for conduct of special audit under section 142 A of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

The firm has been representing before the Company Law Board (CLB) for settlement of disputes between shareholders.

Peer review

In the last ten years, our firm has undergone three Peer Reviews, by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). First, for the period April 1, 2002 to March 31, 2003, second, for a four year period starting April 1, 2004 to March 31, 2008 and third for a four year period starting April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2014.

Second Partner Review

SAA has an internal policy of carrying out a second partner review before issuance of all statutory assurance reports.

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